What Does It Mean to Dream About a Snakes? Dream Meaning And Symbol, Different phrases to see the dream , you can go to the page.
What Is It To See a Snake in a Dream? What Does It Mean to Kill a Green Snake and a Snake Sting (Bite)? you are viewing the dream phrase named. You can go to the dream phrases page to see the different phrases.
Seeing a snake in a dream is usually interpreted to make the person having the dream meet with a bad event. Although it usually seems like a bad dream to see a snake in a dream, some details about how the dream is seen are also important. Here are all the details about seeing a snake in a dream.
It becomes important how the person who sees a snake in a dream sees the dream. Many dream scholars have pointed out an enemy in the immediate vicinity of the person who sees a snake in a dream.
What Is It To See a Snake in a Dream?
Seeing a snake in a dream is one of the most frequently researched dream phrases. Many dream scholars interpret this dream to hostile people who will enter a person's life. Also, if the person seeing the dream is a single man, it is interpreted to a malicious woman or a secret enemy. Seeing a snake in a dream is also interpreted to allow a person to fight with existing enemies as soon as possible and defeat enemies. Some scholars have also interpreted this dream as the ending of some material gains of the person who sees a snake in his dream in the subsequent process.
1. According to the interpretation: Although seeing a snake in fuya is called an enemy by every scholar, it also has different meanings. A person who sees a snake in a dream may experience financial loss at once. Lack of fertility occurs in his household and misfortunes begin in his work. Therefore, the enemies around him also multiply. In other words, seeing a snake in a dream is described as stopping material gains with another meaning. A person who sees a snake in a dream will be damaged either spiritually or financially. This damage is often referred to as damage from an enemy.
2. According to the interpretation: seeing a snake in a dream indicates secret hostilities. It is interpreted that a person suddenly loses his loyalty, suffers failures. It is also interpreted as sudden lack of fertility and distress in working life. The person who sees a snake in a dream is usually the person who has an enemy around him. This enemy, who is in the household, in the immediate vicinity or in the business environment, gradually causes distress to the person. A dream is also described as the appearance of evil deeds done by a person who seems to be good.
3. According to the interpretation: seeing a snake in a dream indicates an enemy that a person has acquired. This enemy is usually someone very close to the person or family. This enemy has managed to endear himself to the family by pretending to be good. A person who sees a snake in a dream may see this enemy around work or family. The person who sees a snake in a dream is the person who has recently won an enemy. A dream is interpreted as the enemy reaching the household as a result of a marriage, a new friendship or partnership. This dream, which is seen, is not described as a very good dream. Because the person who sees the dream will be harmed by the enemy he has acquired.
What is the Interpretation of Killing a Snake in a Dream?
It is called a good dream to see that you have killed a snake in a dream. Because this dream is a sign that a person will defeat his existing enemy. Killing a snake in a dream is interpreted to defeat the enemy at once and emerge victorious from bad situations. In general, this dream means that a person comes out of bad events and people unharmed. Dream scholars have said that a man's seeing this dream is related to work, and a woman's seeing it is related to a union. If the person who sees him kill a snake in his dream is a man, he believes that he will solve his work-related problems in a short time. If the person who saw him kill a snake in his dream was a woman, he interpreted that he would solve the problems in his marriage in a short time.
What Does It Mean to See a Black (Black) Snake in a Dream?
To see a black snake in a dream indicates that the person in front of you is strong. It is interpreted not only as a person, but also as struggling with a difficult event. It is referred to the fact that it is difficult for the person having the dream to cope with these events, the sudden multiplication of his enemies. A person who sees a black snake in a dream is a person who has lost to his enemy and suffered from the enemy. This enemy is usually someone quite close to the person. He knows that a person will collapse when he sees the kind of damage. For this reason, it is also quite difficult to deal with the enemy.
What is a Snake Bite in a Dream?
In a dream, a snake sting is interpreted as a blow that a person will receive from his enemies. It is interpreted as the arrival of a person who has caused harm to the household or a bad outcome of events. In particular, dream scholars have described this dream as a person falling into a bad situation due to events that will happen to him. These events are usually in the form of financial losses or loss of reputation. A person who sees a snake sting him in a dream will be harmed by the events he has experienced. By being dragged to a dead end by his enemies, he will suffer material and spiritual damage. Especially for single people to have this dream is also described by some scholars as being disappointed, efforts coming to naught.
A snake bite in a dream is described as a person going into battle with his enemies. Many different dream scholars have interpreted this dream as understanding and recognizing one's enemies. It is interpreted as a person who knows his enemy entering into a struggle with his enemies, trying to get rid of events. A person who sees a snake bite him in a dream is also called the person who will be the least affected by the damage he sees from his enemies. It is interpreted to the existence of one's enemies and malicious behavior from the enemy. But as a result of these behaviors, it is also said that a person gathers himself up and fights hard to avoid further damage to the struggle. Some scholars have also interpreted the dream to help a person who has experienced financial losses to recover himself and quickly open new doors of profit.
What Is the Interpretation of Seeing a Yellow Snake in a Dream?
Seeing a yellow snake in a dream indicates bad news from enemies. It is interpreted to a slander, bad words or insults coming from the enemy. It is interpreted to make a person feel sad and affected by hearing these words. In a dream, a yellow snake is usually interpreted verbally in the form of a discussion. A person who sees a yellow snake in a dream at home or in a different place experiences great sadness because of what he hears around him. It is also called a dream as a bad news received. It indicates that a person's expectations about health or work are in vain, disappointed. By some scholars, dreams are also interpreted as gossip, jealousy and hand-me-down events.
What Is It To See a Green Snake in a Dream?
To see a green snake in a dream is interpreted as a bad outcome of a normal situation. In other words, a person who sees a green snake in a dream suddenly ends up as an evil event that he expects for his own good. The fact that the result of the expected good news is bad is also an explanation of this dream. A person who sees a green snake in a dream gets hurt by people who seem to be good. He cannot pass the work or exams for which he expects the result well. Usually, a dream is when events that seem to be auspicious turn out badly spontaneously or due to the help of a stranger. A dream is defined as events that have a good beginning to come to an end with evil and difficulties.
What Does It Mean to See a White Snake in a Dream?
Seeing a white snake in a dream is interpreted into events that are good from the beginning and bad later. Usually dream scholars interpret this dream to a person who is going to enter the household. But this person will enter the household after a marriage or engagement. Some dream scholars have associated seeing a white snake in a dream with a woman. It indicates that an abusive woman comes to the household as a result of marriage or a union. This woman will harm many people in the household and will cause financial damage to people. Because seeing a snake in a dream is interpreted as an enemy, a white snake is interpreted as an enemy that comes with a good deed. It is especially dangerous for single people to have this dream. Because a dream is interpreted as the frustration of special events such as marriage or an engagement.
What Does It Mean to See a Big Snake in a Dream?
To see a large and gigantic snake in a dream is interpreted that the expected events will have greater repercussions. No matter how the dream is, usually seeing a white snake in a dream is characterized as a disappointment, unhappy environment and financial loss. The person who sees a big snake in his dream will be the one who is most affected by these events. In addition, its result is interpreted to cause bad events to have a greater impact on the household, and financial losses to increase at once. A person who sees a big snake in a dream is also a person who sees great losses from the events he encounters. A dream is defined as unhappiness, frustration and the disappearance of earnings. In addition, a dream is also explained as a person suffering great harm from a person he never expected.
What is the Interpretation of Seeing a Snake in a Dream at Home?
A person who sees a snake in the house in a dream may have a harm to the household or to himself from the household. A person who sees in a dream that there is a snake in his house may be subjected to bad words by a person in the household. He can find out about events that are hidden from him in an instant. In addition, according to some scholars, this dream has also been interpreted as harming the household due to the deeds of the dream owner. A person who sees a snake in the house in a dream may be harmed by a close friend or a family elder. Usually, if a snake has been seen in his own house, this person will be harmed by someone from his household. This damage can sometimes be financial damages.
What Does It Mean to See a Small (Baby) Snake in a Dream?
Seeing a small snake in a dream indicates that negative events will be overcome more easily. If there is an enemy around a person, it is interpreted that he will defeat this enemy in a short time and get rid of the damage in an instant. In addition, it also indicates that a person should recover himself in terms of financial loss. This dream is considered a more positive dream than other dreams. Seeing a small snake in a dream inside the house also indicates that things have just begun. In other words, events are characterized as a newcomer to the household, a small enemy or a small harm.
What Does It Mean to See a Water Snake in a Dream?
Seeing a water snake in a dream, unlike all dreams, is described as a very auspicious dream. A person who sees a water snake in a dream soon becomes reputable in business and social life and encounters such people. Thus, a person's work and life undergo changes in a short time. When you look at the comments made by dream scholars in this dream, positive comments are usually seen. But according to the way the dream is seen, the dream is interpreted differently. A water snake usually indicates that a person suddenly moves to a more spacious environment and relaxes.
What Is It Like To See a Lot of Snakes in a Dream?
To see a large number of snakes in a dream is interpreted that the enemies will be together. It indicates that the enemies around the person who sees the dream will partner, they will act together. For this reason, it is interpreted to be more prepared to suffer harm from one's enemies. Some dream scholars have also interpreted this dream to increase a person's financial losses and to suffer great harm from the evils that are around him. It also indicates the beginning of a difficult struggle for a person or the defeat of a person's enemies.
What Does It Mean to See a Dead Snake in a Dream?
Seeing a dead snake in a dream is interpreted as the end of enemies' hostilities. It is usually an auspicious and positive dream for the person who sees the dream. Because dream scholars have interpreted this dream to allow a person to leave his enemies unharmed, to save his financial losses and to get over troubles. Usually this dream also refers to defeating enemies, getting rid of enemies unharmed. A person who sees a dead snake in a dream will get rid of the events he entered harmlessly. By overcoming difficulties as soon as possible, he will also realize the mistakes he has made.
What Is It To See a Cobra Snake in a Dream?
To see a cobra snake in a dream indicates a person's business-related enemy. This enemy is usually a very effective and powerful enemy. A person who sees a dream can suffer great harm because of this enemy. In particular, the enemy will rule over the person's share and material gain. Many dream scholars talk about an enemy that a person who has this dream will make at work. A dream is defined as damages from a person who appears in the form of a boss or coworker.
What Does It Mean to See a Red Snake in a Dream?
To see a red snake in a dream indicates enemies who share one's property. If a person has an inheritance or future money that he is waiting for, it is interpreted as the enemies taking action related to this money. It is interpreted as an increase in enemies due to the material losses that the person who sees the dream will suffer, and the appearance of common enemies to his property. With another expression, the dream is also described as the passing of the goods into the hands of the enemy. A person who sees a red snake in his house in a dream can sell his house or his own property because of enemies. Some dream scholars have also attributed this dream to a foreclosure transaction that came to the house. Seeing a red snake in a dream has been attributed by many scholars to the sudden disappearance of material assets.
What Does It Mean To Run Away From a Snake in a Dream?
In a dream, running away from a snake is interpreted not to associate with enemies. It indicates to stay away from people who want to do evil to a person in the environment or in the household, not to do the same job as them. Usually the dream is explained as a positive dream. Because it is interpreted to prevent a person from being harmed by his enemies, to get rid of his enemies in a short time. A person who sees that he is running away from a snake in a dream means that he will notice the enemies and get away from them as soon as possible. These enemies can sometimes be in the work environment and sometimes in the household. Especially if the person who has the dream is single, he does not fall into their trap by distancing himself from the people he has just met. If the person who sees the dream is married, he will soon notice the damage that has occurred in his household.
How Is It Interpreted to Catch a Snake in a Dream?
A person who sees that he has caught a snake in a dream will become aware of enemies. A person who knows his enemies will act according to them in his life and will get rid of the damage to himself faster. Catching a snake in a dream is also interpreted by some scholars as a person's victory in an event. Especially in business or family life, it is interpreted to emerge victorious from the war with the enemy, not to get hurt. A person who sees that he has caught a snake in a dream can get over the damages that come to him in the easiest way. In particular, by minimizing the damage that the enemies want to inflict, it allows the enemies to succumb. This dream is described as a very auspicious dream, especially with the correct behavior of the dream owner.
What is the Interpretation of Seeing a Python Snake in a Dream?
To see a python snake in a dream indicates the existence of enemies that a person cannot escape and defeat. It indicates that no matter what a person does, he has to fight with his enemies and there are some losses involved. A person who sees a python snake in a dream may be harmed by someone he loves and shows respect for. This person may be someone who the dream owner knows closely, or a responsible person in the business environment. Usually, seeing a python snake in a dream is interpreted as a person's suffering harm due to people in positions of power. This can also usually be the case in work-related events. A dream is interpreted as a person's inability to get the promotion and position he expects, and the bonus he expects is given to someone else.
According to a different dream interpreter;
Seeing a snake in a dream is a sign that you will encounter very difficult and complicated jobs in your business life. . To see a white snake in a dream is interpreted as a sign that the enemy is violent and aggressive (angry). The white of the snake seen in the dream is a sign of a weak and powerless opponent. To see a black snake in a dream is a sign that you have a much more violent and aggressive enemy. A black snake seen in a dream indicates the worst of the enemy in terms of its trickery and mischief. A black snake is considered an enemy, seeing that you are talking to a snake is interpreted as making peace with the enemy. Seeing a snake in a dream is interpreted in different ways. Seeing a snake is a sign of a deceitful enemy. Sometimes it also represents an insidious enemy, in its form, sometimes it represents a ruler, sometimes it indicates family, son and strength. A person who sees a snake in his dream and sees that he is not afraid lives a happy life, it is a sign that he will attain strength and state. A person who sees a snake in a dream and sees that he eats its flesh reaches joy, obtains benefits and benefits, and is described as buying goods from the enemy. To see in a dream that you are passing through many snakes is Decried as a sign that it will rain very, very much. To see that he is holding a snake in a dream, to buy goods from the enemy and to obtain benefits and benefits from the enemy is described as. Seeing a snake coming from behind in a dream is interpreted as a sign that the enemy is watching from behind the person who is dreaming. To see that there is a snake in your house in a dream is a sign that the dreamer has an enemy from a relative. To see him kill a snake in a dream and take it into his hands is said to defeat his enemy and signal that he will get his right from him. The snake seen in the dream becomes tired of the enemy, the state and the treasury. To see a long snake in a dream is described with fear. Sometimes, too, the thin and long snake is interpreted from family, woman and child to hostility. Some at once, the thin and long snake is interpreted into mischievous, terrible and evil neighbors. The snake, the owner points to the enemy. Because in a dream, the word for poison is property and money. Seeing himself bitten by a snake is a sign that trouble will come to the dream owner by his opponent. Seeing that you are hunting snakes in a dream indicates that the dream owner will get a profit from them by cheating on his enemy. The water snakes you see in your dream point to the property. To see in a dream that he has a white and small snake on his collar and arm, which he is not afraid of, indicates useful goods and money. It is interpreted that you have a number of soft snakes in your dream that are non-poisonous, without problems, obey him, a number of melted gold and ingots pass into the hands of the dreamer of the dream, and he buries and hides them somewhere. Seeing you fighting with a snake indicates fighting with a strong enemy, being afraid of your enemy and separating from each other. The sharp teeth of the snake seen in the dream indicate the enemy's strength. To see a snake climb to a high place is a sign of reaching comfort and joy. When you see a snake descending from a high place, it indicates the migration of one of the elders of that place to the hereafter. Seeing that there is a snake in your bosom in a dream and cutting it into three pieces is a sign for the dream owner to divorce his wife with three talaks. To see that there is a snake in your bosom in Riyadh and cut it into two pieces is a sign to take revenge on your enemy. To see that you are eating snake meat is a sign that the dream owner will find joy and glory and will find benefits. When you see a snake coming out of a place, it indicates a problem and punishment that will come out of there. In a dream, walking among them by chewing on snakes indicates a rain in which torrents of streams will flow Decently. Seeing a snake in a dream sometimes indicates infidels, bidat owners, flood and the state. Sometimes, seeing a snake indicates a help made with the purpose of evil, jealousy, deceit and hostility. The house snake seen in a dream is a sign to the neighbor: the sahara snake is a sign to the road breaker. To see someone holding a snake in a dream indicates getting along with evil people, managing the enemy by keeping his hatred and hostility secret. To see a snake emerge from the sea in a dream is a sign that a beloved son will be born. To see a snake or a dragon on your body in a dream is a sign to the cruel judge. Seeing that He Kills a Snake, a person who sees that he has killed a snake in a dream becomes victorious over his enemy, it is called as. Seeing you kill a snake may indicate marrying a woman. To see a Dead Snake In a dream to see a dead snake is a sign that the enemy will disappear and the enemy will perish. Seeing a dead snake indicates that his enemy will be destroyed by Allah Ta'ala without his own effort. To see that the snake is dead in a dream is a sign of the death of your enemy. Read More …
Seeing a Snake in a Dream: Its Meaning and Interpretation
What Does It Mean to See a Snake in a Dream? How is the Big and Small Snake Dream Interpreted? What Is the Meaning of Seeing Snakes in a Dream?
In Islamic dream interpretations, seeing a snake in a dream is interpreted as a diabolical and unfounded dream. If frightening dreams are seen, it does not matter what it means, telling such dreams to others should be avoided and one should only take refuge with Allah Almighty. To see a snake in a dream usually refers to a treacherous and insidious enemy. According to commentators, an exact interpretation of the dream is difficult, since snakes carry different meanings in different societies. But in general, seeing a snake symbolizes hidden hostility, power or a person's livelihood. The snake sometimes refers to the state, woman or child.
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.q) According to, What are the 10 Meanings of Seeing a Snake in a Dream?
Hidden enemy: The sight of a snake in a dream indicates people around you who are hostile to you, jealous of you, or want to harm you. You may need to be careful and act cautiously towards people who are not trustworthy.
Livelihood: The snake indicates the abundance of livelihood and sustenance in the dream. It also means that financial difficulties will end and a fertile period will be entered.
Well-being: Seeing a snake in a dream means getting peace and tranquility. It is interpreted as the end of negative situations and the beginning of a calm period.
Management: Seeing a snake in a dream is a sign that you will have managerial or leadership abilities and will come to an important position in society.
Army command: Seeing a snake in a dream indicates taking on a role related to military or strong leadership. It is a sign that you will be assigned to a task where you will have responsibility.
Baht: A snake is usually a sign of baht openness in a dream and that luck will be on your side. It is interpreted as you will enter a period where you will achieve success in your business.
Woman: Seeing a snake in a dream indicates that one should be careful about issues related to women and that there may be problems in relationships. At the same time, it indicates that you need to be reliable and understanding in your relationships with women.
Murat (fulfillment of wishes): Seeing a snake in a dream indicates that a request you have been waiting for for a long time will come true and you will get your desires.
Son: To see a snake in a dream means to have a boy or to experience joyful developments about your existing boy.
Flood (flood water): The combination of a snake and flood water in a dream is a harbinger of an emotional storm, rather than sudden and strong emotional changes. You need to be emotionally sensitive during this period.
What Does It Mean to See a Snake in a Dream?
Seeing a snake in a dream is usually a sign that a person has hidden enemies. The snake tells about the enemies who want to do evil around him. It is also a sign to friends who are only there on good days and are close for their interests.
This dream indicates that a person should fight with his existing enemies and defeat them. In addition, according to some scholars, the snake dream also means that financial gains may decrease in the subsequent process. Snake dreams often indicate secret hostilities.
To See a Big Snake In A Dream:
To see a big snake in a dream indicates that the enemies are strong and effective. Dream analysis indicates that danger is approaching. The presence of a large snake emphasizes the importance of being careful and protecting yourself from the traps of enemies.
To See a Snake In a Dream In The Morning:
Seeing a snake in dreams usually has a negative meaning. Snakes express secret enemies, betrayal, deception and danger. Seeing a snake in the morning indicates that these negative meanings are getting stronger. This dream indicates that you may soon encounter a great danger or be deceived. It indicates that you are facing a situation where you need to be cautious and act carefully.
To See a Giant Snake In A Dream:
To see a giant snake in a dream indicates a difficult struggle and means determination against possible danger or danger. It is also interpreted as a warning of struggle.
In a Dream, The Snake Comes Crawling:
The snake that comes crawling in the dream indicates that your enemies will unite and pose a danger to you. The creeping approach of the snake indicates that your enemies will carry out their plans quietly and insidiously.
To See a Blue Snake In A Dream:
To see a blue snake in a dream indicates that the dream owner has a male enemy. This enemy should be careful, as there is someone watching and observing his steps and everything he does. A blue snake also indicates a person who is sneakily and secretly stirring things up. It is important to be cautious about the intentions of this enemy.
The dream of a Crawling Snake:
Fighting with a snake in a dream symbolizes fighting with your enemy. This indicates that you may be harmed. You fight with a powerful enemy and are afraid of him, eventually you break up with each other.
A Snake Bite In A Dream:
To see snake meat in a dream is a sign of property from the enemy. The flesh, bone, skin or blood of the snake is a sign of the enemy's property.
The emergence of a snake from the mouth:
When a snake comes out of your body in a dream, it indicates the hostility of one of the family members. This dream is interpreted as saying bad words and getting hurt from the words you say. It draws attention to the fact that you may be harmed by a person around you and carries a warning quality to you.
Dreaming Of Seeing a Snake On You:
To see a snake on it in a dream is interpreted to be a person of knowledge. This dream expresses your desire to have knowledge. Taking this dream into account indicates that you will be successful in your search for knowledge.
Dreaming Of Seeing a Snake Fly:
To see a snake flying in a dream brings joy and happiness. This is a sign that there will be peace in the heart. The placement of the snake by flying to a high place indicates inner happiness. A person who sees a snake flying in a dream signals that his enemies will move away.
Dreaming Of A Snake In The House:
To see a snake in the house in a dream indicates that someone close to you is hostile. This hostility does not mean to cause harm, but it means that the person will have negative effects without realizing it. It also indicates that there will be a discussion at home.
In a dream, a snake entering a house indicates an enemy trying to cheat. This dream also Decrees a development that will cause a fight between husband and wife. It also indicates sleeping enemies and indicates the presence of an enemy outside the house. Seeing a snake coming from the house indicates that the dream owner will experience sadness by someone who will be affected.
To See a Black Snake In a Dream:
To see a black snake in a dream is a sign that you will encounter big problems. However, it is seen as a sign that you will solve your problems by approaching this situation with composure and that your financial gain will increase.
Dreaming Of Snakes On Your Head:
To see a snake on your head in a dream indicates having a reputation at the state level. This dream usually indicates that a person will rise to a powerful and influential position.
Holding a Snake In a Dream:
Holding a snake in a dream is a sign that the fear will go away. The person who keeps the snake in his dream will be safe in such a way that he will get goods and wealth from his enemy.
to kill a snake in a dream:
Not Being Afraid of Snakes in a Dream
Not being afraid of a snake in a dream indicates high positions. This dream shows that you will get rid of the feared things and become a strong person. The fact that you are not afraid of the snake is a symbol of the state or power and signals that you will enter a period when you will achieve success. Also, you will be brave against your enemies and rise to an important position
To See a Lot of Snakes In a Dream:
To see a large number of snakes in a dream indicates the multiplicity of the enemy and that the enemies will be together. The meaning behind this dream, which expresses common hostility and dangerous situations, is that people around you will act hostile towards you and want to harm you.
A Snake Attack In a Dream:
The attack of a snake in a dream has a warning meaning. He points out that the enemy is on his trail and informs that caution should be taken. It indicates that unexpected difficulties may arise.
To See a Baby Snake In a Dream:
To see a baby snake in a dream indicates that you have a weak enemy. This enemy follows you, but his strength is not enough. Seeing a baby snake in a dream indicates that you will easily get over negative events. An enemy who has not yet used his power has the potential to harm you. It is also a sign that you will recover quickly from financial losses. You should be optimistic towards children and pay attention to hidden enemies.
To See a Small Snake In A Dream:
Seeing a small snake in a dream is a sign that you will encounter enemies. It also indicates the presence of unexpected dangers. This dream indicates that negative situations can be easily overcome. A person will quickly defeat his enemies and get rid of damages.
To See a Green Snake In A Dream:
Dreaming Of Snakes Around You
To see a snake around you in a dream, yes, indicates the hostility of your relatives. His presence next to you indicates that people around you may have negative feelings towards you.
Dreaming Of a Snake In The Street:
To see a snake in the street in a dream indicates that a war will occur in that region. The fact that the streets are infested with snakes draws attention to the proximity of the conflict.
Talking to a Snake in a Dream:
Talking to a snake in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with your enemy, benefit and goodness. However, the snake's bad words indicate the possibility of fighting with the enemy or suffering harm.
The Snake's Speech in the Dream:
The speech of the snake in the dream is a positive sign. When you see that the snake has spoken a kind word to you, it means that you will meet with charity and joy from your enemy. In the same way, when you see the snake addressing you with a nice word, it indicates that you will make peace with your enemy.
To See a Golden Snake In a Dream:
To see a golden snake in a dream is a great blessing. The snake symbol from the mines indicates fertility and wealth.
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